Shadow time

Shadow time


8” x 10” print inspired by quilting and quilts. Warm blues that skew almost violet set a moody stage for this geometric pattern of near compliments. Shown in a 12” x 18” frame

Giclee printing — All prints are created in an archival form of fine art digital inkjet printing, using a high ink load, these prints offer the experience of a unique piece of art. The printed image may be a scan of an original work of art such as a collage or painting or be a piece that was created wholly digitally.

Paper — All prints are created on Entrada Rag by Moab. This 100% cotton fine art paper is an archival acid-and-lignin-free paper with an expanded color gamut, natural contrast, and high ink load.

Unframed — Prints come in an archival sleeve. This standard print size means it’s super easy to find a frame that suits your decor. I’d recommend sizing up to an 11” x 14” or even 16” x 20” frame with a matt for a gallery-quality frame style.

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